Friday, May 24, 2013

Married Men Need Not Apply

I have never been able to figure guys out.  Whenever I have tried, I have been left frustrated.  So I gave up trying and just try to let them be themselves and be thankful for what good things come of being friends with them. And there are many good things about being friends with men.  I like the camaraderie.  I enjoy technical shoptalk, I enjoy talking about music, I enjoy beer.  I enjoy a lot of things that are stereotypically male-ish. I am not a girly-girl and feel that some of my best friends are men.

However, I seem to have collected a group of married men who think I am the best thing since sliced bread…. besides their wives. I don't understand what brings me that kind of energy. I don't play those games and don't want to be told by a married man that if they could be with me they would.  I want to ask them why they are compelled to share this with me, but I just clam up and shut down. Do they think it will make me feel better about my singleness? Do I look that lonely?

I continue to be friends with these men. I feel we are drawn together for a greater purpose, not related to sexual tension but something else.  Some of these men have been there for me at the times when I was being hardest hit by loss and aguish.  I cannot forget the support they gave me.  I don’t think that my being vulnerable to someone, showing my feelings and hurt, should open up dialogue that could lead to huge mistakes. I have been on the other side. I have been the woman on the other side of a man who is confused about our relationship and is searching for who knows what to distract or relieve.  It’s not a great position to be in. I feel for those wives.  I don’t want to stir up any shit, but I feel for them.

I don't want to give up on these friendships, but when the men made those confessions it made our relationships so much more complicated than they should be or need to be. I get mad and don't want to talk to them. I don't want to laugh with them anymore. Sexual tension, something I could handle and dismiss becomes an emotional tension I just can't handle and don’t want to handle.

Some of these situations have been settled by now.  I have had conversation after conversation. But after a while, I have gotten tired of dealing with it and refuse to talk about it anymore. So, help me out here guys, if you are married, don’t open that door.  DO NOT GO THERE.  If you haven’t heard from me in a while, just think back on our last conversation.  Did you fuck it up? Did you go there?

I don’t understand why I get this attention and I have failed in trying to find meaning in it.  So after long consideration, when it comes to my love life: Married Men Need Not Apply.